Sunday 23 November 2014


1.   Format: 
Preferred Font: 12 pt Times New Roman
Justification: Full
1.5 spaced

2. Title of the paper: in upper case, centered at the top of the first page

3. Author(s) identification: centered below the title. Identification information is to include name(s) and matrix number.

4. Abstract: 80-150 words.

5. References: 
Assignment is to use APA style.                                                                                       


Examples of APA style:
Tax burden should be impose and share among “able people” the rich. Justice and social solidarity call for progressive tax imposition on the rich not on the poor (Muhammad Ali Mahmud, 1990).


According to Muhammad Ali Mahmud (1990), tax burden should be imposes and shares among “able people” the rich. Justice and social solidarity call for progressive tax imposition on the rich not on the poor.

To appear in a References section, all sources listed must be referred to in the text. Otherwise, the section is a bibliography.
References need to include complete information: date, page numbers of articles or chapters, complete names for institutions and organizations rather than abbreviations or acronyms. References from conference or other proceedings also need page numbers. Examples of the most common types of references are given below.

Journal article: 
Ahmed, C. (2007). Open University Concept in Malaysia: A Critical Evaluation. Journal of Technology and Society, 1 (4), 122-130.

Batok, A. W. (1999). Technology and Society, London: Routledge.

More than one author: 
Jon, A., & Grone, J. (2008). Technology and Society, London: Routledge.
More than three author: 
Jon, A., (2008). Technology and Society, London: Routledge.
Conference Proceedings: 
Hakim, G. K. (2007). The Electronic Learning Community: The Malaysian Case. In W. Mansor W. (ed.) The 3rd International Conference on Business Information (pp. 11-19). Penang, Malaysia: University of Malaysia.

In an edited work: 
Sahil, S. B. (2007). Finance Educational Advising in ASEAN. In V. P. Shesiah and W. R. John (Eds.) A Comprehensive Handbook of Financial Management (pp. 1-10). Kuala Lumpur, MY: University Press.

Electronic source: Retrieved 10/5/2010

6. Figures and tables: 
All figures and tables need to be referred to at the appropriate points in the text. They should be imbedded in the manuscript (i.e. not all grouped together at the end) in the logical location for reference, appear in consecutive order, and be centered.
Capitalize all references to tables and figures (e.g. "...number of users is greater as shown in Figure 1", "See Table 2 below.").
Figures and tables should be numbered in order throughout the text, and each requires a title. These are to appear above the figures and tables. Where appropriate sources of data are to be indicated at the bottom of the figure in parentheses.


    Figure 1: Economic Growth in Malaysia 2000-2005

 (Source: Bank Negara Malaysia, 2006.)

7. Equations: 
Equations should be centered on the page, with a blank line above and below. They should be numbered consecutively through the paper, using Arabic numbers in parentheses at the right-hand margin.

8. Length:
This assignment is written not more than 25 pages (excluding appendix), minimum 15 pages and submitted in soft copy andhard copy.

8. Date of Submission:
 21ST  DECEMBER 2014

9. Layout of Assignment
-Cover page

-Table of Contents
-List of table
-List of Figures
-List of Abbreviation
*Title: Bold, no number

1.0       Introduction

2.0       Elaboration of Topic (depends on your topic)
            2.1 xxxxxx
                  2.1.1    xxxxxx
3.0       Conclusion
4.0       Bibliography
5.0       Appendix

(*Title: Bold, using number, Capital Each Word, don’t underline.)


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